Trump is like the guy in hs who so wants to hang with the cool kids that he sells out his lifelong friends by telling all their secrets and the cool kids just laugh at him.
Trump is like the guy in hs who so wants to hang with the cool kids that he sells out his lifelong friends by telling all their secrets and the cool kids just laugh at him.
Not everybody drives a Prius because they are some hippy trying to save the world. Some people drive it to save money on gas because they have a long commute, which is why we have one. We also have a 70 Charger 440 RT sitting in the garage at home. Driving that thing to work everyday would be a bit too expensive for…
Another determinant of an inattentive/inconsiderate driver. Not clearing out of the merging lane when you can SEE cars trying to get in is peak shit driving.
I disagree. It just requires a bit of focus, that’s all.
Know what’s worse than when they speed up as you try to pass on the left? When they’re parked in the left lane so you go to pass on the right, and then they speed up.
She responded that she doesn’t like not being in control. . .
The ones I hate are the left lane hogs who sit right at the speed limit, making me have to be a bit of an asshole to get them to move over, then when they finally do they speed up +10mph so it takes me forever to pass them. If you were going to go that speed to begin with why didn’t you fucking do it in the left lane?
I drove my dad’s Prius when I took him to a physical therapist visit. Everyone seemed personally offended that I might want to pass them. Most would gun it until I gave up, then brake back down to their slow speed one I got back behind them. It was much more startling since I drive those routes frequently in my own…
I will counter with, my wife drives a Prius, which means I have to drive it from time to time. When people see a Prius around them, THEY start driving like ass holes. I would say 70%+ of people that I attempt to pass on the interstate in a Prius will stomp on the gas the moment they see a Prius about to pass them. It…
Mostly true, but then there are people like me. I love driving, I’m careful, attentive, and defensive, and I take great care of my vehicle.
Poor lane integrity is a big one for me. Not keeping in lane on the highway, or more often than not ending up in the incorrect lane after a left or right turn. (We all do the latter, but not 100% of the time)
People who brake on the highway.
When you’re coming up on someone on the highway, and they’re too afraid to use cruise control, and instead of being steady with their foot, their speed fluctuates between 65-85, and I’m forced to pass you 6 times because every time I pass you, you speed up top 85 and then pass me and then slow down to 65, or I’m stuck…
Lights off when it’s raining. Even if the visibility doesn’t 100% necessitate it, if someone doesn’t abide by the “wipers on, lights on” rule they’re most likely a bad driver.
I don’t want to be a killjoy, but I’d like to share my my experience with a Thermos cup similar in functionality to these glasses.
I don’t want to be a killjoy, but I’d like to share my my experience with a Thermos cup similar in functionality to…
Seriously, fuck the hell off. Just because someone calls you out doesn’t make them a Bioware employee or apologist. Full disclosure - I don’t work for Bioware either, though I did work for an EA studio in my past. That said, I didn’t need to be an industry vet to see you’re just another entitled gamer asshole.
This is so fucking needless and cruel. What is the gain in this? So O’Reilly and Ailes can continue harassing their employees in perpetuity? I was sexually harassed at one of my jobs when I was young and it destroyed my sense of self worth. I never did anything about it besides quit because I felt I had no power. I…
It is incredibly sad how I am no longer surprised or shocked. Read this news this morning while getting ready for work and was just like “yep, seems about right for this administration.”
Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?