Are you whitesplaining to me, or what? My fellow Koreans barely have reason to hold animosity towards China. Now Japan on the other hand...
Are you whitesplaining to me, or what? My fellow Koreans barely have reason to hold animosity towards China. Now Japan on the other hand...
And I think this is why China will never field a talented sports team on the world stage. They care too much about things that have nothing to do with pure merit and talent.
I can’t imagine that Korean and Chinese kids have any lingering animosity going back to the 1950s. However, I do think that Chinese folks like looking down at Koreans whenever the opportunity arises. Same for when the tables are turned—it’s that whole pride in one’s culture sort of thing. Mix that with Asians caring…
What’re they mad about? That the Japanese movie industry didn’t utilize their vast selection of Japanese-speaking white actors? If they were actually expecting German or English to be the language of the movie, that’s pretty awesome—but somehow I doubt that...?
For the “casual” chef? That’s kind.
For the “casual” chef? That’s kind.
I have a friend who does with, with the claim that it gives them superior gas mileage. I’m intensely skeptical of this. Even if it somehow results in 1 extra mile per gallon, it can’t possibly be worth the nauseating hassle of fluctuating within a 5-10mph window...
My comment was in the context of the world map featured in the article. World maps are almost never used for practical reasons.
My comment was in the context of the world map featured in the article. World maps are almost never used for…
Flat maps are just the worst, because either way you’re dealing with ridiculous distortion at the poles. Globes are where it’s at. (Or Google Earth.)
Flat maps are just the worst, because either way you’re dealing with ridiculous distortion at the poles. Globes are…
Questionable points aside, you’re forgetting that if California had its own government, it could improve upon 240 years of built-up gunk in laws, regulations, tax codes, etc, and start from scratch. The best and brightest Americans outside of California would be eager to become Californians because they wouldn’t have…
It would be different if it was a fellow Japanese diner telling another Japanese diner that their slurping was overboard and disruptive. Then you’re right—speak up.
Yeah sorry, I forgot to mention that I was writing in the context of encountering other FTL-capable civilizations, not dropping in on aliens in some faraway star system.
What if we encounter a cynical alien race and they think, “Oh, you exist? Well that could potentially be dangerous or inconvenient for us in the future. I think we’ll destroy their planet from a safe distance and go on about our business.” We would likely just be bugs to any space-faring aliens we encounter.
Before you feel claustrophobic, you’ll get a cramp. And no way to stretch it out.
You joke, but if you google that I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.
I don’t know, I think you’re underplaying just how awkward it would be to use a slew of Japanese names and words. I would cringe so hard if I had to hear people say “Naruto” or “Hokage” in an American accent. “Nuh-ROO-toe.” “Hoe-CAW-gay.” Blegh. I’d rather they just localize everything.
So if I read a book and really enjoy it, perhaps something like Jurassic Park, should I not care whether or not it’s adapted well? How about something like Harry Potter? How do you not understand that when you enjoy a story, you’d naturally be interested in seeing it in different forms? People get attached to…
Yep. One step above the microwave.
Yep. One step above the microwave.
I’m partial to Teko wool socks myself. Somehow they feel a wee bit more comfortable than Smartwool socks.
I’m partial to Teko wool socks myself. Somehow they feel a wee bit more comfortable than Smartwool socks.
Maybe I don’t understand what you’re suggesting, but it seems a little unfair to judge a potential date or employee by their exes or their former colleagues/bosses.