
That is deeply disturbing.

Metallica - Greedy bunch of jerks who sued Napster just to take more money from their fans.

"And it skims comics"

Looks like something that should be in Monster Hunter

@TomWar: "even if Xbox don't love you we Pc users adore you. "

Oh no! Those poor indie developers! They were doing so well competing against those lousy big time 3rd party game industry developers with their 2 weeks worth of effort downloadable games! And now Microsoft has moved them a couple of menus down from where they are now?! Microsoft is ruining all the success that

I still haven't bought all the costumes from the first costume pack.

@IvanDashSmith: Well the MPAA's control over DVD releases are less strenuous than when the movie is in theaters for the public to view.

Evidently there's a bunch of avatar items that they need to fix/update.

@orinos73: Well then I guess Infinity Ward was lying when they said before the game was released that there would be no more killstreak stacking.

@rklamerx: Well assuming you're not a troll, if this actually were the case I would've noticed this happening with other players that I've played with, and I haven't.

@foxhound_08: Like I said, I don't know what games you've been playing, but I've never seen that happen in any of the games I've played, ever.

@orinos73: Normally I would complain about your attempt to troll us, but your picture pretty much demonstrates the kind of people who would act like you in the first place.

@Shenta: I don't know who you have been playing your games with, it's probably been with just modders and glitchers because chopper gunner kills have never counted to your killstreak.