@rklamerx: That was the case in CoD4 and World At War. But when MW2 came out, killstreaks stack was shut off.
@rklamerx: That was the case in CoD4 and World At War. But when MW2 came out, killstreaks stack was shut off.
Uh lets see here, he's not supposed to be getting more streak rewards from using other streaks like the chopper gunner.
@Steven Ansell: Pokemon will never die.
Well, no video game has actually truly scared me before, but one game that came close to doing it was Resident Evil 4.
Bulbapedia is now reporting that Takeshi Shudo has passed away.
We need another Pac Man vs. for the Wii with some online play.
@LemonyVengeance: Actually, in the same amount of years that Halo has been around, Nintendo has produced those franchises and got the success that comes with their sales. So the ages of the franchises are irrelevant.
@LemonyVengeance: Successes Microsoft has made with raping and pillaging Halo: Around 5 or 6
@BritBloke916: I can debate it's success because it's success comes from it being a phone and not a gaming platform.
@Bryy Miller: He's saying he wouldn't want Master Chief to look like this.
No footage of SSFIV? What a jip.
@gamesarentevil: 0/10
@razzbarry: Turn in your badge, and your Zapper.
I don't know. I always imagined an older Link to be.....taller.
@RTS: What's a psp2?