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    The real messed up thing is: someone will put an LS1 in it.

    Words of application and adoration? On the Internet? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO??

    BMWs of the last 1.5 decades are horrible.

    You forgot to add a very necessary mic drop after that.

    There is a major problem, though.

    TIL: What a SJW is.

    Great choice. My wife commutes 9 miles each way in our 2012 Volt. Earlier in its life it had an issue with the heater and, separately, the cooling system. Both were fixed under warranty and now we’re going on 52k completely trouble free miles with it. We’re gonna sell it for a lightly used 2016 Volt next year but we

    You must own a BRZ.

    Avoid alliteration always.

    Came here to post this.

    I’ve never carried a South Korean dignitary or traveled much over 100mph in my Genesis 5.0 R-Spec.

    Hint: it uses the speedometer needle from a 2005 Jetta.

    “German engineering: the greatest myth every sold to Americans."

    So they took a badge that is a division of a manufacturer known for it reliability, and stuffed the carcass full of crap from a manufacturer known for cars that completely fall apart and are abhorrently expensive to repair?

    (1st gen Boxster)

    I thought ball joints were sleazy nightclubs?


    I missed the part where you mentioned you were in a vehicle that is specifically designed to not allow much sound to enter (read: any vehicle ever) and were travelling in the same direction as the motorcycle at some rate of speed that isn’t zero.

    I hate to be that fuckin guy, but...

    -Clicked to make sure Model X in background was addressed