
It doesn’t, refs f’d up. Ball is dead as soon as it’s touched. It’s not loose so there is not batting a loose ball. There was no delay of game. The ball is dead once the “illegal touching” occurs, which happens at the 3 (or so).

Refs f’d up. Ball is down as soon as the defender touches it, not where they “down it” as the ball is dead as soon as a defender touches the ball regardless of what they’re doing when they touch it (unless they are out of bounds of course).

I am not worried. But I am also not going to let people break the walls of decency down in the name of stopping censorship, when no one is actually stopping people from getting offending material just stopping them from forcing it on others by texting them.

The inability to create a perfect filter does not imply that there should be no filter or that we should not try.

There should still be “clean” spaces. Not simply because there are minors present in many situations but because there is value in not having to be guarded. There is value in decency

The issue isn't that you can't send what you want the issue is that minors can use the app, which I do not believe has the same disclaimers as say, standard Internet use and so return those images when doing innocuous/not innocuous searches.

Did you seriously post this with the offending image on the lede page? You did! This should be fixed. If the image can be described as porn you should put it behind a warning tag

No. For something like this time is called and everything stops. If anyone advances it’s umpire discretion with regards to how far they would have safely gotten had play not stopped (same as a ball leaving play) which would be at most one base.

Epidural ones as well. In general any hematoma around the brain is very serious. I hope he makes it out OK.

Not calling the call is rude and also not per rule. Especially for non-native speakers who might only know a few words. Kid is waiting for the call as he has been taught.

Yea but the kid was in the right here. You hold he frame for the umpire until he makes the call. If he says nothing he hasn't called yet.

Because “too many runners” has been explicitly removed as an answer.

That is indeed the conundrum. Is there a reason for it?

No. I understand that they can race more or fewer people in the final. I do not understand what the point of the prelims is. The fact that they do not use lanes has nothing to do with the field winnowing from prelims given that they actually have them

I don’t think you understand the question.

I understand how physically. I mean that it has to be the case someone gets culled in the prelim. And so someone who didn't trip is almost certainly getting culled unless the entire race is good because one person fell.

If you recall all the stuff from baseball you may recall that there is a small window where you’re ahead. Of the runner, who then catches back up.

How does that work? How many people are normally culled in the prelim?

Nobody wants to pay a bunch of money to host. But if they didn't I bet a lot would love to host

The double/refuse to lose. I had turned 12 the month earlier and it was magical.