
Patterson has this look like “Holy Fuck, why did I sign up for this? I’m already a millionaire.”

and free publicity with bitchy commentary!

I just can’t fathom someone calling police on folks barbequeing. Lake Merritt is a huge park where anyone can have a picnic. Oakland has a huge black population. If you’re white and scared of black people, move to Hillsborough or something.

She is a thing.

Putting your kid on the internet, encouraging her to sear and culturally appropriate an accent, encouraging your kid to get into publicized “beefs” with adults, and selling interview access to the child...Yeah, no abuse here at all

the rumor on the CDAN gossip blog is that it was domestic violence. Hopefully not true.

According to gossip site CDAN, Jenna recently got an award and Channing didn’t bother to show up to support her. So the best friend thing is a little strained at the moment. Sad...

If white men are nobodies, they can get away with murdering black men. See: Zimmerman, George.

Che also sicked his fans on a professional acquaintance of mine who is a media critic. Any woman who dares say anything about him gets attacked.

THANK YOU. And her legacy includes The Wizard of Oz, one of the greatest films of all time

The CDAN gossip blog has hinted in the past that Cameron retired because of a horrible #metoo incident she suffered on a film set. I hope it’s not true.

an 11 year old is not a teenager.

“My baby is a prop and a pawn in my empire.”

Ok, I hate Megyn Kelly, but can’t help but note how many male early morning hosts were assholes for years with few leaks about their terribleness. But it’s not all sexism — she is not as good at hiding her sharp edges as other top hosts of both genders

Also, why am I now in the greys after being un-greyed for several years???? So sad.

As a true Liza fan, I love this headline. I used to perform “Maybe This Time” in my bedroom as a musical theater-obsessed teen. Thank you.

Mope Licks.

Kids at my daughter’s high school on the West Coast successfully got a play pulled for white washing this fall...(white) drama teacher wasn’t happy, but if you know that the majority of your acting pool is white, there is NO SHORTAGE of plays to choose from that allow for predominantly white or appropriately color

I know Emma and her parents personally. You are wrong.

When Howard Stern is the voice of reason and ethics...