
Also, didn’t they fire Ann Curry partly because she wasn’t warm enough...and then she cried real, human tears on the air as they pushed her out the door. Ann was a pro who had to work twice as hard as a POC to get that gig. Megyn is getting a chance on TODAY because she is pretty and blonde. Yes, she’s experienced but

Thank you, Bobby. These ads for her show are so annoying and hopeless. Perhaps she is beloved by friends and family in real life, but she is too intense for daytime tv and about as warm and relateable as a marble slab. This whole push by NBC to promote her feels like a slow motion car crash.

King’s depiction of women is consistently problematic. I reread Carrie and Christine this summer and it’s like, Nope. he has the ability to keep the reader turning pages, but I won’t read anything else by him. Nope nope.

You are making this about you instead of trying to empathize.

You can call it that if you want, but I’m not trying to rack up virtue brownie points in an anonymous forum. That’s sincerely how I feel.

I have been at times, yes, because I grew up in this society benefiting from white privilege and not really exposed in my childhood to what POC had to deal with...a typical white person, in other words. I’ve chosen a different trajectory for my adult life.

It’s problematic because she’s a spokesperson, but I believe she is A) expressing extreme frustration that I have heard other people of color verbalize. I think, at times, if you are a person of color, it absolutely feels like all white people are part of the problem. Instead of attacking that sentiment, white people

well said. I also think that too many white people are isolated from this kind of feedback, so when they hear it they freak out. If you, a white person, actually have deep relationships with people of color, you will be familiar with such sentiments and understand what is actually being said and not personalize it. Or

Yes, Bonnie is the absolute best, and I’m sure John Prine would agree!

I agree. And Angel from Montgomery was actually written by folk singer John Prine — his version is even more straightforward

This woman is obviously talented, but I can’t believe she is classified as a country singer when her style is exactly like every pop artist played on the radio right now. She’s indistinguishable from most of the artists my kids listen to in terms of phrasing etc. Country music used to be about a natural singing

Fashion writers at a minimum should get this...

LL, if you go hang with Trump... Mama said knock you out

Thank you for caring about this issue! One of the huge problems is that in country with less infrastructure, almost anybody can open an orphanage and run it without much oversight. Governments typically don’t track how many kids live in orphanages/how many are true orphans etc The UNICEF estimates are just estimates.

I haven’t watched the video yet, but the reality is that there is a need for orphanages — we even have them in the US, we just call them “group homes.” However, there are many policy steps that can be taken to better support families staying together — poverty abatement, access to health care etc. For kids who do go

These are just kids who are poor, these are kids who have experienced intense trauma — any child in an orphanage has. This would be a re-traumatizing event. As an mother who adopted children from institutional settings, including a 3 year old (Pax), Angelina would/should know this. She is not the humanitarian saint

“Partner NGOs” are orphanages who will do anything for a donation. Orphanages are not nice places, even the “good” ones...I have adopted children who remember very well what orphanage life was like. Angelina fucked up.

I left a note on another post the other day because they spelled Bette Midler’s name with two Ds. Not to be a jerk, but to be helpful. We don’t want the Divine Miss M mad at Jezebel...eventually they fixed it, though I have no idea if anyone with power to make corrections saw my comment or the error was discovered

Leave James Taylor out of this

Wait — not Lindsay Frost. She was Meg Foster...How can I remember either of them?