
Some nice twinja friend retweeted it in my Twitter feed, so yes I do:

Reports are that Wilson was red-faced, yet stoic and just floated off into oblivion.

Maybe President-elect Trump can come up with some government subsidies to retain this job in Indiana.

So saying something racist or alligning with racists and supporting them makes you a racist, but anti-semitism is only deplorable when you act upon it? Otherwise, it’s just ‘words’?

Do we actually know what Ellison’s platform is for the DNC chair position? I like Ellison, but I haven’t heard any actual electoral strategies from him on how he intends to help the Democrats win in 2018 and 2020. He just talks about being better at getting our message out there. Howard Dean, on the other hand, seems

Wow, no. Have we learned nothing from this last election? Silencing racists and mean-spirited bigots like Lahren only feeds into their martyr complexes. I’m reminded of how many conservative speakers have been able to play the victim card after being stopped from speaking on college campuses.

Barack Obama is the only competent Democrat on the planet and it is disheartening as hell.

Black baby + died after it was born = nothing to see here, folks.

No. Papa is Grandpa.

“International Federation of Bodybuilding president Rafael Santonja”

“a bunch of cry babies who should just get over it because they lost.”

Ted Cruz: “I’ve reevaluated my position on Donald Trump. He was right after all: my wife is ugly and my father killed JFK.”

The post initially said Swinney exited to scattered applause and laughter from the media; South Carolina Radio Network’s Kevin McCrarey wrote in to point out that it was a group of former players and boosters. The piece’s been updated to reflect this.

Hawt taek from a limp dikk!


as of this very moment, i think president circus peanut intends to fuck at least 64,469,963 of us from the oval office.

But Charles Harder works for Peter Thiel, who FORCED AJ Daulerio to regularly post revenge porn

I’m second to none in my revulsion and dislike of the Trumps but I can’t support anyone who’s making up stuff about a 10-year old and putting it on YouTube. Autism probably *shouldn’t* be stigmatized but in 2016 it is, so even if the video is true, it’s attempting to out this kid against his will and his parents’

Has it occurred to her that it might help if her own husband stopped making fun of the disabled?
