In lieu of Press Democrat he is more Zone Coverage Republican. Spreading the blame out into a zone instead of where it belongs (don’t take a concrete stand on one thing when there are lots of issues etc...) and asking the coach to agree that anything regarding social issues is making people uncomfortable after a win.
Agree. I was perfectly happy taking in a USC or UCLA game if I needed some live football.
As a long-time Angeleno, I’ll say that we are not “football-starved”. A lot of us have Red Zone, which is the best way to watch football!
“Also, I was trying to get our entire team to follow Kap’s protest and would have except our chickenshit QB thought it would be bad for his advertising value to say anything of interest about anything controversial.”
I love the idea that Frank Luntz is meticulously crafting this message with him, coaching on what to say without taking a clear side outside of loving one another, etc. and then Cam’s like “Yeah but I’m going to do it this font” and Frank figures it’s all about making progress and no “zero” days or whatever.
So you’re saying the Vikings’ running back position is in for a switch?
You’re a very self-aware fan of a high-level program who has maintained a pretty decent grip on objectivity. You are no longer in consideration for any positions within USC.
“Sorry, coach, I need to leave the program. I’m just so homesick for Tuscaloosa...uh, Lawrenceville.” - E.J. Price
I am a USC and Chicago Bears fan. It’s going to be a long year.
Losing a prized recruit just three games into his career is always bad...
Pete Carroll came back last Sunday, unfortunately he lost too
Sounds like enough to drive a coach to drink!
Looks like some holes are showing up in the Trojans and bad news is leaking out.
“Dak has shown more potential. He hasn’t thrown a pick yet!”
BOOOOOO HE SUCKS. HE SUCKS! Throw him up against a REAL team let’s see how he does! BOOOOOOOOOO
Curt Schilling is what happens when you put a baseball and a copy of the Turner Diaries in a lab and rub them together vigorously until they sprout vaginas and dicks then make em fuck
With a massive failure of a business venture on his resume and vitriolic social media presence, Curt Schilling gladly accepts the 2020 Republican presidential nomination.
This is the most heinous atrocity to occur to to a Redskin at the hands of a cowboy in our nation’s rich and inclusive history.
Cowboy abuses Redskin woman.