
No-one deserves to go out like that and all this will do is fuel the bigots' argument that Muslim parents are tyrants (when most Muslim parents I've known have been splendid souls). My own mother often used Islam as an excuse to deny us fun. You can imagine how I felt when I came across her photo in a book about

I don't think many Muslim parents understand the existential weight their children in the West carry around. They think that you should be good Muslims, despite the fact that we no longer inhabit a Muslim-majority locale. It was easy for them to be "good Muslims" when every corner had a mosque and everyone in your

Yeah, remember that time she hijacked a preschool trip to make an anti-choice video, and failed to get the parents’ consent or even mention it to the teacher?

The two have previously been seen together in the hideous fever dreams you experience after a long night of watching C-SPAN 3 and huffing wood glue from a NASCAR mug.

Probably the hospital.

would you say you’re.... thrillary’d?

Was that Byrd? There’s currently a renaming process for that particular school because of its namesake and his ties to segregation.

The black dude on the right is currently saying to himself, “I have made so, so many mistakes.”

There are a good number of them/us, I just think they’re usually too busy being actually good people to bother (one of my best friends is a (gay) pastor of a church in rural Ohio that actively welcomes trans members).

Interesting how this ad seems to be targeting mostly heterosexual men (and possibly married lesbians, but I doubt it). Ted Cruz doesn’t care what you think if you’re a woman, because in that case you should probably leave the politics to the men. Don’t worry, we’ll look for you....

I just can’t wait for someone to suggest that on live TV, so we can all work on a meme explaining menopause to them...

Do menopause hot flashes sync up? I don’t recall that episode exploring that in the Golden Girls...

It’s kind of handy, though, because if you see a person saying something is “too PC” (or whatever) without irony, you know right away they’re a fucking moron and don’t need to waste your time on them.

I love how this is actually one of the founding cornerstones of Donald Trump’s campaign, too. If you ask any Trump supporter under the age of 25 why they like him, they all unequivocally say it’s because he’s “not PC” and/or will somehow “change politically correct culture.”

Thats good because the Eagles are just one player away from the SuperBowl

This all but guarantees that whomever the Eagles pick, that the Browns basically abandoned, will be awesome, because God hates the Browns.

This is a nuanced and well informed analysis. So, that said, tell me-

If you believe what has been written and said by the team since, one of the reasons this team was so successful was that MJ was less of a psychopath, at least with his teammates. He got into a fistfight with Kerr in training camp, realized he didn’t know his new teammates that well, and took the effort to be less

Agreed. Someone on Broad Street Hockey touched on the worst part of it. The bracelets were supposed to be a nice thing to honor Ed Snider, the man that gave us this. And it was thrown on the ice.

I was thoroughly embarrassed by the performance of my team and our fans last night. Reprehensible. There’s no place for it. Sure, they were playing bad hockey, but those select fans gave up another penalty that led to a goal. Disgusting behavior.