
Mike Priefer, in one of the meanest voices I can ever recall hearing, said: “We should round up all the gays, send them to an island, and then nuke it until it glows.”

Is what Leder’s doing illegal? No. Does it make my skin crawl? Yes.

So... it was a fashion show?

She better hope no one watches that full interview from the Daily Show. She’s done. Trevor Noah finished her.

Holy non sequitur, Batman! You might find this hard to believe but I don’t subscribe to the Bernie Sanders cult of personality.

Has anyone considered Incognito is mentally ill? I remember reading “Boys Will Be Boys” and Charles Haley was a goddamn psychopath... Who had untreated bipolar disorder.

I don’t know. If we could have gotten rid of HRC, DWS, and Nancy Pelosi in one year I’d consider it a good start.

Well, to be fair, Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz were awful as a candidate and the head of the DNC.

1) People were upset with both parties. Trump was deeply unpopular but Hillary Clinton was the avatar of an establishment that people loathed.

I think you mean “the only competent Democrat under 70 who has held office”. Because Biden and Michelle Obama are competent as hell.

“I don’t think we need to beat ourselves up,” Swalwell told Politico, incredibly.

You know that hat is why Clarke hates Obama so much?

If you’re like me, you might be asking, “how the FUCK does a man running a large sized police department in a major city have this much free time for publicity?” Well, the answer is, he doesn’t run a large sized police department. The Milwaukee Police Department has 1,868 sworn officers. The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s

Yeah, that would be a disaster!

My grandfather, whom we all called “Papa,” once told me that anyone who claims to have an “open-mind” is saying their brain is a sewer catching garbage. That’s a real Papa—a hard, patriarchal, Fox News-loving maniac, god rest his soul. He definitely never played dress-up with his daughters, though he did like to tell

He promised to visit Pakistan, which is something President Obama had refused to do to express frustration towards the Pakistani government’s being hands off towards the Taliban and aggressive towards India.

India is going to take this well.

I honestly can’t decide what I find more depressing: Conway deferring to the “us against the media” bullshit when she can’t answer or the fact it took a seventeen year old to ask a substantive, hard-hitting question.

As someone who works for a doctor who provides abortions, I would prefer not to be bombed. But I would enjoy the chance to kick out some protesters.