
I’m sorry that the public education system has failed you so thoroughly.

And so many people love to talk about how Europe is way ahead of the United States in terms of race relations and being accepting of everyone and it’s a utopia blah blah blah.

1) That JFK quote was bullshit

I’m willing to bet LBJ banged AT LEAST 45 people in the Oval Office.

But that’s the world we live in. With zero accountability. A lot of those people should be fired. They should be fired. They should be. But there’s no accountability. People with a microphone, they can just say what they want to say. It don’t matter how they attack people’s character. They don’t say that.

Jesus, I’d settle for “competent without being evil” at this point. Mitt Romney or David Patreaus (who would be quite the ironic pick) as Secretary of State and James Mattis as Secretary of Defense seem like they would be gifts from heaven.

I’m not defending Thiel. But if Gawker media wants to make him look more reasonable, bringing up the Hulk Hogan thing is a great way to do it.

1) In general, I’m a proponent of leaving the children of politicians alone. That goes for the Bush Daughters and the Obama Daughters. Chelsea Clinton (during Hillary’s presidential campaign in 2008 and 2016) and the Palin kids are a grey area as Hillary had Chelsea as a surrogate and Palin used her kids as lines on

This. Also, Peter Thiel might be a dipshit but Gawker was clearly in the wrong in how it treated Hulk Hogan.

I’m convinced that the Republicans are not making a big deal out of Trump’s investments because they want a silver bullet to impeach him if he becomes toxic from a popularity standpoint.

That spot was bullshit.

My favorite part of this was Jill Stein going on RT and refusing to mention that it was the Russians who would have hacked the results. This woman is the textbook definition of “useful idiot”.

Not to lawyer this but it’s possible he’s never said it in a racist context. If he has anything to do with the Breitbart comments section lord knows he’s quoted it.

Committing treason’ll have that effect.

I’m sure you’ve had plenty of practice catching your wives with other men.

The good news is that 58% of America still loathes Trump. Now the Democrats just have to run a candidate who isn’t loathed by 59% of Americans. Something they were unable to do this time.

While I appreciate wordplay, it would not end well.

Man, assuming the press doesn’t fold there are going to be some great things written opposing out trashbag president-elect.

They got Bill Clinton. They lack the will to get Trump.

Nah, I used to weigh 300 pounds. She knew I exercised.