
Last I checked the dictionary isn’t opinion. There are plenty of facts surrounding the abortion debate. I we’ve it always comes down to went autonomy. Deal with reality

Actually it is a fact that it is murder. Youre killing a living thing. Whether or not you believe that murder is justified is a different thing. Nobody shoukd have the right to kill a developing baby. The Whole Womens Choice Argument Is Based Upon The Premise That Womens Lives Take Priority Over Babies And That Notion

Your happiness is not as important as a developing life. My hope for the future is that abortion will only be allowed in cases where there is a threat to the mothers physical health. You can stop having sex or you can make sure you’re prepared for a baby.

Because abortion is murder and should not be available to the majority of women. No birth control is 100% effective. If youre not willing to accept an unplanned baby or put it up for adoption, don’t have sex. Your happiness is not as important as a developing life.

Youre disgusting.

Heaven forbid us women have to give up alcohol. The people commenting on here need to grow up. These type of women make me hate my own sex. FAS is a horrible condition and if something as simple as childbearing age women refraining from alcohol if theyre sexually active and not on some sort of birth control can