
I put my money on Joltin’ Joe Biden!

He did exactly what a good pilot should do. Stay chill, look for a landing zone and attempt restarts. It’s a good thing this happened in a biplane. They are the most forgiving of all aircraft.

Based on your review Garland has succeeded in communicating the same feeling that the VanDermeer’s trilogy imparts to us, the readers. Well done!

Monstrous. I would expect that he peels off the latex skin and makeup from his face after boarding Air Force One so he can relax. It’s like something out of “The Strain”.

As a 45 year teaching veteran I am deeply disturbed whenever I see teachers promoting propaganda and teaching misinformation. Her response to this child’s honest perception indicates her ignorance and insensitivity. People like this give our profession a bad name.


The Russians are a good call for monkey wrenching US-Cuba relations.

I have enjoyed all of Luc Besson’s films. There is a Metal Hurlant feel to his films both visually and in his characters. It is a shame that a lot of the public stateside do not appreciate that fact.

He was one of the best. How about a movie adaptation of The Mote in God’s Eye. A classic space opera.

I refer to the responders who have not seen the premiere, not Mr. Adams.

Enough with the armchair critics. Just watch the damn show for a few weeks then share your unsolicited opinions, okay? Nuff said!

Why does SyFy do this? Killjoys, good call but why kill a show with great characters and backstory. Ditch Blood Drive, keep Dark Matter!