
Its funny how often “PC culture” is often just “don’t be an asshole”.

[monocle-popping grunt]

This list does not contain Regular Show or Adventure Time, therefore it is incomplete.

I freaking love Secret Wars 2015! Such a good Doctor Doom story

But the moment anyone takes a picture of him information the jacket Jameson will just accuse that menace Spider-man of stealing the jacket.

Say what you will about BvS, I certainly don’t think Ben Affleck earned that nomination for worst actor.

Maybe Ayesha was originally her male counterpart, Adam Warlock, and they gender-swapped the character after McConaughey turned it down.

Ooo! Like the show or a segment on Fallon? Ah, screw it. To the YouTube machine!

It was in a wheat field just south of Coffeyville, Kansas. It was late November. It’s a month of mist. And we were caught in the open. The sun was setting behind us. There was nowhere to run. Twice it came in on us, and twice it missed the heart of us. And that’s when I had an epiphany.

I guess? It’s a shame Telltale couldn’t come up with their own thing instead of stealing Gunn’s approach.

I am disgusted and intrigued at the same time.

one step closer to OW full feature movie or TV series

And the reason you’re not on Io9's writing staff is what exactly?

Last night’s episode was awesome!

This art style has me feeling...conflicted.

Has anyone been reading the Miles Morales Spider-man book? I think it may easily be my favorite Marvel read now. I like when Bendis writes young heroes

I think he means make it so people with that box checked see everybody else’s helmets as on, but others don’t.

Hmm...let’s say that someone literally held a man at gunpoint and forced him to have sex with an underage girl or else face being killed and later eaten by that same girl. Wouldn’t that be a defense against the statutory rape charge if you could prove the self-defense aspect?