
I get that, but the way they did it din't make a lot of sense.

You know what else strains plausibility? They don't take horses beyond the wall knowing wights are faster and inexhaustible runners (never mind the wights on horseback).

No sense at all. A God like being who can vaporize cities all over the world with a thought is not going to unite people to fight him, they'd start praying to him.

While it doesn't make sense for the virus to travel to the space station with the astronauts, I always assumed it had and killed the others as he would never, ever be on the space station alone. Though I guess they could have died from other causes or killed themselves.

I have to take issue with that. A lot of tonight's episode hit home for me. As someone who has done far too many of those vigils, and by the by never missed any of them, you never KNOW how long it will be. I've spent a day, 4 days, more, sleeping on a conglomerate of hard chairs, waiting for that final moment. It's a

Just seems like lazy writing. Chainsaw is out of gas, done. Same for escaping the tool shed

I'm really enjoying the series, but was anyone else rankled by the fact he went off to get a crowbar instead of just cutting the cellar door like he did before last time he was at the cabin?

I had a chance to hang with Alan Ladd Jr.a bit when Gone Baby Gone was being filmed. Just struck me as an all around good guy and down to earth and it was quite entertaining to talk to

I found the narration a jarring and pointless choice that didn't fit with anything we'd seen this season. Though not as jarring as the UFO. I can't say I'm shocked it came given the beginning, but I thought it was just dumb and the episode was lesser for it. Even if it were a more vague "lights in the sky"

Temple of the Dog's "Times of Trouble" is the same song as Pearl Jam's "Footsteps" with different lyrics

After seeing Simone and then Area 51, I was really hoping they'd be some sort of nod to Killface

Besides the shitty phoned in ending when we first saw Vic in his truck with Gemma, we also got Jax all Assassin's creed killing August without a single fucking cop or even probation officer noticing his drawn out execution on the steps of the court house, lame

Fucking Michael Chiklis, once I saw him in his truck with Gemma, I knew exactly how it was going to end and I said to myself and others, if he gets hit by ANY other trucker, I'll be cool with it and of course, Michael Chiklis. So phoned in. Though they did exceed my expectations by having the crows and the bread, for

I haven't seen Gone Girl, though I am curious how you would equate Spoorloos with Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Both great movies that feature a serial killer, but I'm not thinking a lot of similarity otherwise; though to be fair it's been a lot longer since I've seen Henry.

I've really enjoyed the series until this episode. No one would believe Lester's story. He was living in the house and had access. Even if they did buy it, he's an accessory and it's "Okey Doke" and they just let him go. And seeing Chaz seems to do two things WORK and STAY AT HOME, it seems unlikely he's not going to

Ruthless People was after "The Switch". In "Rum Punch", the book "Jackie Brown" is based off, Ordell and Louis complain that the producers stole their idea

Eh, It's not that hard. My 12yr old tubby self pulled a 24'er to shore. Once it's moving it's not that hard to keep it moving unless you're going against the tide.

I couldn't help but think of Frisky Dingo when they're all on the platform next to the giant weapon of destruction. Hopefully they don't need to get the pipe analyzed at the lab.

Cured it.