
Because our dear new Treasury Steve Mnuchin engineered its failure in a classic private equity hedge fund scam.

Unless it involves her son or the piles of money she sleeps on, she probably doesn’t give a shit.

So much for the Trump - Steve Mnuchin honeymoon! (Mnuchin is a primary shareholder of Sears Holdings , though he stepped off the Board in Nov.)

...though she no doubt took pleasure in scolding her.

It still amazes me how tax dollars pay for Trump’s wife to live in his own fucking building.

I’m assuming Politico’s “source close to Trump” is Ivanka.

does melania even know whats happening like 76% of the time? i’ve never seen a woman look this perpetually confused.

Please let it be before Steve Bannon insinuates himself into the line of succession.

Poor Kellyanne. Trying so hard to be the perfect employee, only to get reprimanded by the boss’s daughter. Man, that’s gotta sting, huh? Makes a person think about how ungrateful that whole family is, amirite? The dirt Kellyanne could in a book, say. IF she was that kind of person. Which she’s obviously

I still firmly believe that down the line Trump will have/invent a “serious medical incident” and have to stand down when he is sick of being the CIC

Good! Enjoy your gilded life while you Nazi Sympathizers. Nobody wants your tacky shit.

So, the “so mean to Ivanka” tweet that came while Trump was getting a security briefing came from an iphone, which usually means he didn’t send it himself. Did Ivanka tweet it in his name, and Donald retweeted it later from the POTUS account?

The best is that you know Kushner and Ivanka just hate Bannon and Conway and would love to poison their food the second they can get away with it.

This is really interesting, because corporations are not moral actors. I’ve been paying attention to commercials (sociology major, can’t help it), and I’ve noticed that advertisers are still using same-sex and interracial couple and families and gender bending in their commercials. That’s really significant to me, it

Everything about this is just pure gold - the price, the discount, the name next to the dirt cheap price and “Made in China”... You can’t make this stuff up.

I wonder how many people are buying these on clearance clothing and cutting out the tags.

Would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that conversation between Conway and Ivanka.

The family needs to walk away from the White House while they still have a brand. This use of the presidency to make a quick buck is backfiring. Sure, they are charging the government to rent out Trump Towers. But does anyone here have a single doubt that the moment Trump leaves the White House be it through choice or

Lol. Saw this at Marshall’s too.

played, a little bafflingly, by Kate McKinnon