
Being married to the President? Yeah she is.

Michelle had her feuds and Barack made many questionable “visits” and non visits during their 8 years in power.  Same shit, different day.


No one voted for Nancy, both Barbaras, Michelle, Hillary or any of those other whores either.

Remember when Michelle spent ridiculous cash to take her girls to Ibeza?

Neither one should have 1.5 MILLION to spend on “staff” for an unelected non essential completely ridiculous “Job”

Hajib is the antithesis of feminism no matter how hard you try to spin it.

I buy clothes from companies that cater to me and my style/preferences.  If they start making clothes to appeal to not me (trans, bigger, not females) I’d shop elsewhere.  It’s just marketing, not social engineering ladies. Don’t take it personally.

A lot of people can’t afford DC rent. That’s why we house share and commute.  A lot of people couldn’t afford three months without a salary.  That’s why we keep working at multiple jobs.  

It’s really problematic at this time when anti Semitism is on the rise in our country and right on the heels of the worst mass murder of Jews in US history, to heap praise upon a man who consorted with actual Nazis and took the “Protocols” as gospel.  Tone deaf doesn’t begin to describe the complicity with evil.

LOL Non citizens outside the US have no standing to sue in the US nor are they entitled to Constitutional protection.

Lol. Did some Rabbi die and make you the arbitrator? I guess the memo got lost in the Jewish mail 🤣

You’re a racist. But sadly, we all must live with you.  Suck it up, buttercup.

You’re quite dumb.

They did their job well. Hence they deserve respect and honor.

If I get a 10% cut I won’t care about anyone else’s.

He has a very prominent nose.  They didn’t really exaggerate it much tho.

You aren’t given some majic protection from charges of corruption as a politician BECAUSE you are Jewish. Just like you don’t get protected from charges of low IQ as a politician just for having dark skin.  That’s not how any of this works.


It seems to be a good day for Harriot’s divisive racial stupidity tho.