Just like you can’t blame this woman’s problems on Guatemala, you can’t lay Guatemalan problems with on her.
Just like you can’t blame this woman’s problems on Guatemala, you can’t lay Guatemalan problems with on her.
Canadians count Villanization as a crime now? Guess you can’t say anything bad about 45 then? SMH.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me because I take freedom of speech seriously. Unlike fragile fascists. Invoking violence though? Really? I don’t think that word means what you think it means in Canada.
Hah. You forget how the federal government controls the platforms through licenses and regulations. I’m sure your cocoon is cozy though.
You’ve done so much to deplatfirm radical Islam after all.
Not watch?
Sounds a lot like the progressives funneling money through HRC foundation.
There is a way to amend the US Constitution if you don’t like it.
When are you emigrating?
Nope. I feel that law is unfair and totalitarian and I’m just an average American. We’ve got this weird way about free speech. It’s called truly free.
There is no shame in a multigenerational household.
It’s actually quite easy to get money without mainstream support. See Islamic extremists for details.
I think that might be a federal crime hazardous substances can’t be mailed.
Platforms are granted by government regulators. Your attempt to draw a distinction fails.
That’s the problem. You can’t say La Raza or BLM are ok without also saying Identity Europe or white lives matter are ok. It’s either both of none.
The government controls the private sector through regulation and oversight hence the difference isn’t as clean as you’d like to believe.
Worked real well for Islamic terrorits, right?
Especially since we are learning every day how race is s social construct. Yeah science! Yeah DNA!
Yes. People that support individual liberty versus fascism and state control are TOTALLY the problem.
Wow. These deplatfirm folks are so powerful. If only they would target ISIS the world would truly be safe from evil.