Unceasing Nationalism? Like the Nation of Islam that this anti-Semite led?
Unceasing Nationalism? Like the Nation of Islam that this anti-Semite led?
No ones biases are easy to put aside. It takes a will to do so. A will Ms. Kai evidently lacks.
The land she made grow.
No. It’s a matter of written word.
Literally nothing is the same here.
Your recommendation of a literary critic who uses common slang to describe his “thoughts”transmits the impression of a boor.
No I’m advocating for reading viewing art without your taught biases. It’s actually quite difficult, and requires will and practice. which is why it’s so rarely attempted.
Again, your view of the benefits you were privileged to receive is yours to judge. A story of personal triumph in a society that is not yours can’t be properly understood if you can’t put aside your taught bias. Have a fun happy hour .
Imposing your biases upon a work is the opposite of an educated understanding.
As you see by Charlottesville, those aren’t helpful either.
Yes. Voting.
Presumed guilty based on allegations is an illiberal value. Mob rule is an illiberal value. Enforcing the majority view of sexual morality is an illiberal value. Upholding some as more equal than others, entitled to different treatments depending upon their race, religion, gender or unfavorable status is an…
My only argument, if we can say there even is one, is with maligning Blixen’s story as “problematic “. Applying your personal predjudice to another’s story blinds you to that story. A classically Liberal education is good for learning that lesson. Wether you received that benefit at your school is for you to judge.
I’m just a person who appreciates good writing and a good story. A good education will do that for you 😉
Women of every color are being trafficked today. Because they are women. Not because of their skin tone.
Good luck having any allies at all.
Blixen’s beautiful memoir of running a coffee plantation on her own as a single woman after her shitty husband abandoned her is “problematic “ now? LOL
Due process still applies. See Susan Collins’ eloquent explanation today.
Saying racist things makes you a racist. Excuse it how you may. You have that in common 100% with the subject of your opinion peice.
He was accused. The credibility isn’t holding up to investigation apparently.