
Are you serious?? Do they sell tickets? I would buy one.

THIS. A thousand times THIS.

Don't give me "the conscience rights of millions of Americans will be violated" when it comes to fucking insurance companies.

I wish this class existed when I was in undergrad. I spent forever trying to find Lanford, IL on a map.

Well, that's a rude question to ask (IMO).

This is true. Since I started playing a sport, I sweat less (in situations where sweat is not desired or expected) than I did before I started playing. I think perspiring on a regular basis conditions the body to regulate heat better.

Who the FUCK told Steve Harvey that women wanted his opinion or that he was qualified to give it??

Wonder how much he "mishandled" while he was Archbishop in St. Louis and if it all followed him to Philly.

I don't wear heels, but I can see one heel slip while trying to back up to that thing and you end up landing on that tender crotch/ass area right on the plastic. No bueno.

Courtesy flush: Poop and immediately flush. Wipe and flush again. Will help to not clog and to dissipate the smell while you search for matches or spray or something.

They did go into extra time. It's 90 minutes (plus whatever injury time) of regulation play. Normally, tie scores are ok in much of league play - but you cannot have ties in the World Cup. Someone must win by points/goals. In the event of a tie, you go into two 15-minute rounds of extra time (overtime). If there is

Seriously. My mother - nor any of my aunts - ever taught me to hover over a toilet seat to pee. I always sit down unless that seat's so gross I seriously can't sit down on it.

I watched this game and the Sweden vs. Japan game (JAPAN WON!) at work today on my giant 26-inch iMac - FIFA on the left, work on the right - and clapped and groaned audibly the entire time.

Early 2000s? Some of my family STILL asks me that question.

I, no shit, almost choked on my apple laughing at that.

This. Thank you.

I like it - APPROVED!

I keep baby wipes in my car at all times.

I initially read "catchphrases" as "catastrophes." Same same in this case.

Last week, the general studio manager at work built me a standing workstation out of foamcore (office services wasn't gonna get me one) - complete with faux woodgrain top (an image printed on the giant Epson printer and laid atop the foamcore). It's even got little hideaway cubbies on the side.