New stovetop models are safer than the old style with the regulator on top. I love my pressure cooker but I wouldn’t use an old one.
New stovetop models are safer than the old style with the regulator on top. I love my pressure cooker but I wouldn’t use an old one.
I’ve seen a couple of burst Instant Pot pics on the internet. The worst damage I saw was from one “hopping” on a composite countertop and cracking it. While I wouldn’t want to be standing right next to it, you’re unlikely to have a major explosion like with the stovetop type. They don’t reach as high a pressure as…
Chances are they are into the insipid hip hop infused bro country sub genre. Florida Georgia line etc.
Clearly it’s the former. Or Young M.A. You know how preachers love their contradictions...
My immediate thought? At least they’re not in blackface.
I used to buy into the idea that Howard Stern was “just a character,” and believed all that Private Parts bullshit about what a good family man he was, how much he loved his wife. And then he left her for a younger, hotter model.
Why, though? Literally the only people who would know that they have any sort of connection to United are other United employees. The argument that they’re acting as representatives of the company by traveling on an employee discount is absurd.
Unless I see evidence that they were allowing male pass riders to board in flip flops and board shorts, I’m going to go with “overblown and misconstrued.”
My elementary school-aged daughter has decided that all traditional pants are “terrible” and “make my belly hurt” and will only wear elastic-waisted leggings/stretch pants/knits. She wants comfort as she tree-climbs, karate-kicks, and army-crawls her way through 1st Grade and I cannot blame her.
Imagine if this had been mentioned several times in the article you skimmed. Just imagine!
reading this you can also map out Trump’s speech patterns
I exclusively use spotify and NPR these days. I accidentally switched over to real radio and I was like a vampire exposed to the sun.
Thanks for making me listen to part of an Ed Sheeran song. Ick. But yeah, definitely echoes of the far superior song.
This mostly makes me happy that technology has progressed to a point where a shitty song can be #1 for seven weeks and I’ve never heard it, despite listening to music while working every day.
It absolutely is her choice, she isn't hurting anyone but herself. Its just sad she doesnt think he is great the way she is, that in her head, her "Ideal" isn'lt even a human being, but a cartoon character. And what was frightening was the part where she said she had thinking about things since since she was 5. …
Yes, I'm afraid to incur the wrath of a serious croissanteur but I make good use of my snack pockets. Morning flight snuggie usually has croissants in the vented pocket so they don't get soggy, afternoon flight snuggie has a beer and sandwich on the other side, evening flight snuggie snacks start to get weird due to…
Full disclosure: I don't actually wear overalls but I am not ashamed to admit that I regularly wear old, worn in flight suits that I have collected from pilots who are bigger/taller than me. They're so soft, like snuggies but with a hundred zippered pockets for your every need. Plus, they're FREE! And if someone…
This feels like a mean thing to say, but people whose main focus seems to be on "working on" their appearance just strike me as being some of the most boring people alive.
I don't even like wearing too tight pants. Man.