
‘It’s at this point you realize how important autonomous cars are for their future. Eliminate the need to pay those pesky drivers and life gets a lot easier.’

I disagree that either Sansa or Arya was acting out of character. As a woman with sisters I can tell you how easy it is to fall into old grudges and old fights even when you’re happy to see each other, even if you’re mourning a greater tragedy, and nobody can set you off like your sister can. There are points in the

I’m guessing you don’t have sisters...

The Accords were already negotiated between the 117 countries, they were just being ratified.

I rewatched the Avengers and Ultron back to back and Nat and Banner actually have a nice little through line. She starts off completely terrified of him, so for him to come around to respecting, then admiring, then liking and maybe loving him is an interesting development. Plus, her speech to him in Ultron, about

To me this makes it pretty clear that Dr. Strange will intro the Soul Stone and Ragnarok the Time Stone, so we’re pretty much out of stingers at that point.