You’re being extraordinarily generous...
Saying you’ll solve the problem if they don’t unionize is exactly what has been accused here... and that is illegal, because it is a threat to retaliate and not solve the problem if they unionize.
You’re being extraordinarily generous...
Saying you’ll solve the problem if they don’t unionize is exactly what has been accused here... and that is illegal, because it is a threat to retaliate and not solve the problem if they unionize.
Right - and the only way prices come back down is if the tariffs are in place long enough to justify the massive investment to ramp up production.
So in the meantime, prices soar, the economy collapses, people lose their jobs, demand plummets, and maybe, just maybe, if you keep the tariffs for 15+ years, hiring will…
Good lord, how could it take so long to set up and tear down for this event?
They only take a couple days to set up and tear down for the Rose Parade, and that has typically 7-8x as many people over a route just about 2.5x as long....
Federal law prohibits ANY interference with workers trying to unionize. He’s not allowed to fight it. He doesn’t get to “allow” them to unionize. It’s their right.
He CAN provide them with good enough working conditions that they don’t want to unionize, however. But he can’t threaten them in any way, shape, or form.
They can unionize if he does or if he doesn’t. That is THEIR right and if Musk says they can unionize if he doesn’t solve the problems, he’s violating federal law.
Of course, we actually have tunneled under LA a fair amount. It’s crazy expensive, but more power to him if he can figure out a cheaper way...
However, I do object to Musk’s attitude that apparently he should be allowed to tunnel all over the place without consideration for the damage he would do to others’ property. …
You are correct -
But that also means that we have to rely on the courts, which have shown a strong right bias against enforcing these laws....
You’re not legally allowed to stand in the way of unionizing under any circumstances. Management doesn’t have that right. They DO have the right to try to address complaints that would lead to unionizing, but NOT under the condition that workers don’t unionize.
Unfortunately, that is largely because of the laws that we have. Unions are required to represent every member, and if the member doesn’t believe that they have been adequately represented, the union can be on the hook for massive legal bills.
The problem is the right wing doesn’t want to gut those laws (because they…
They’re only corrupt to people who believe the anti-union rhetoric fed to them by the right.
And the pay? I get paid more than the heads of most major unions, and I don’t run an organization of 1.6 million people like the head of AFSCME does. He gets paid less than most surgeons, and barely more than 25 cents goes…
“1) What is illegal about it? I see no threats, no coercion or the like, no bribing... telling them I’ll give you everything the union does and more? That is what EVERY employer should be doing.”
Seriously? He says he’ll solve the problems *IF* they agree not to unionize? That’s a threat against working conditions if…
The economy in N. California is NOT great for the sort of people who would work an assembly line.
So your one experience is representative of everyone, then?
BTW, if they didn’t represent you to your satisfaction, federal law would allow you to sue them AND make them pay for your lawyers.
And he’d be looking at massive fines for violating federal law.
What NLRB says Elon told the workers would be illegal in ANY state of this country.
And I’m trying to think of any automaker who moved production to another state or country to get rid of a union. Can’t think of one.
Yep, headlights are very reminiscent of the first gen Focus... Front quarter panel looks a lot like the first gen fusion...
So they had 450k reservations, and have made roughly 47k cars. That leaves 403k reservations to go. That’s 80 weeks at the current rate.
I don’t see how you can spin this other than the vast majority of remaining reservations aren’t willing to buy the car at the $50k+ prices they’re asking. The reservations list then…