
It isn’t that it wasn’t selling enough - its that they think they can make more money selling more crossovers. There are plenty of vehicles that they sell at lower volumes they’re still keeping around (Transit Connect, Mustang, etc). Its a calculated gamble that they won’t lose customers by abandoning cars and can

I’m getting there. I *WANT* EVs to succeed... and I’ve wanted Tesla to succeed. But the more Musk runs his ridiculous mouth and the more the workers are treated like dirt, the more I’m getting to the point where I want them to fail and then get bought by a car company that knows what the hell they’re doing.

Except they can’t afford to lower the price. The federal reserve bank down the street from me would find it a challenge to literally burn cash as fast as Tesla is.... cutting the price will only increase the loss...

But you can still get the 320 - it might take a special order, but it is actually something you can buy. (actually, there are 4 in stock at the nearest BMW dealer to me).

You can’t buy a $35k model 3.

This deserves FAR more stars.

Model Ss are selling for close to $100k on average.

It’s stunning they sell for so much and still lose so much money.

Difference is that you can actually BUY the base version of the 3 series. You can’t buy a cheap model 3.

I’ve got a 2010 Mazda6. Not a speck of rust evident anywhere on the body. Subframe seems to be about typical for a car its age - and some level of subframe rust isn’t uncommon for any brand.

“total flop of a car that nobody buys”?

Roughly 250k sales in North America means nobody buys them?

Oh, please - Musk has been overpromising and underdelivering to shareholders for YEARS. To be prosecuted, you have to show that he knew that what he was saying couldn’t be correct. And he’s so delusional at this point that the defense case is clearly trivial.

Hell, he’s been guaranteeing profits “next quarter” or in “2

So in reality, the $35k model 3 will launch around January 2021... if ever...

Tesla shareholders really screwed the pooch by not replacing Musk and putting someone who had a clue how to run a car company in charge of the board...

The hubris from Tesla was beyond absurd.

And then you have the amount of trash talking they did that the model 3 would be “$35,000 before tax incentives” while the Chevy Bolt would be in that range after tax incentives. Turns out I can go to the nearest Chevy dealer today and they have 2 Bolts in stock with “internet

But where’s your evidence? Because owner reports at both fuel and fuelly don’t agree with your claims, even on the 2L.

I couldn’t tell you. I would bet the take rate is higher than you think, though - based on % splits among owner reports at fuel economy reporting sites.

Again, where’s your evidence that the CR-V will get better real world mpg than the Focus? I can’t find any to support it.

What evidence do you have of this claim? Because owner data at doesn’t support that.

Front seat, they don’t look that far off, but the back seat is an ENORMOUS difference. You’re looking at near 4" of extra legroom, plus considerably more width. The Escape suffers from the same rear seat cramping issue as the Focus.

Edge is much more comparable to the 2008 Taurus. Explorer might feel a bit bigger.

No one should be considering a 2018 Taurus. There’s no good reason for that car to exist. Ever since the redesign for 2010 (which made the exterior look bigger, but killed the interior space), that car has had no point. Ford SHOULD have