
For real, thanks everyone for reading and for the support, every time one of you says something nice about the site or our work it means a lot. Probably more than you think. Special thanks to everyone who has tweeted at me about Suikoden 2. <3 <3 <3

Pro Tip: Get the Drive OST asap. You’re gonna wanna listen to it after watching the movie.

Hey doopliss!

Whoops! I’m on it.

No, no. Don’t do that. You stop that right now.

In addition, Nintendo has announced that all the strongest legendaries can only be found in single specific locations, “to reward the true adventuerer.”


Thanks, Captain Buzzkill. Your crew awaits.

There are ways to archive the chat so its actually readable. Some people do this but I don’t see the point. It would be like saving used toilet paper.

Sure, because of all CEOs of global multi-million companies should listen to the demands of a single individual whose opinion is the opposite of the majority of their established fan base.

That’s a great bussiness strategy!

Apparently it’s not targeted at an audience who hates awesomeness.

Think about it this way a movie makes $300 million, but cost $225 million. Of course it took 6 months to actually shoot, film, and edit months more to market, paid vendors, and other costs. Then all is said and done after taxes your studio gets $20 million in the bank. That’s a profit sure, but was it a really good

How is that racist? Having a tiki mask ghost type pokemon in no way infers that another race is superior to it, just by existing.

and once more the controls aren’t bad they just take time to learn. if you don’t have the patience to take the time to learn the controls then the game isn’t for you, that doesn’t make it bad.

Because they hate Nintendo, Because Nintendo

Marie will be mine! Yes. My amiibo family will never be complete without the best Squid Sister.

I may be a little biased since I’m a huge Star Fox fan, but Zero is the most fun I’ve had with a Star Fox game since Star Fox 64.

Given the current state of the studio, I’d say...nobody. ヽ(。∀゚)ノ

Don’t forget the part where this woman is actually in favor of keeping localized games intact, including bust sliders and not completely distorting writing/context during localization.