
Hell. Book them straight to hell one way.

I have no idea what Hotshots is, but I can only assume the name refers to the ass-immolating liquid shits the food gives you.

Bostons are a bit higher energy, so while the size is good they may not get the exercise they need depending on your lifestyle. I always recommend the noble pug for apartment living. Small and lazy, perfect couch dog.

I know what’s happening in Syria; hell, I know what’s happening in Aleppo. I just didn’t put the name of the city to the city itself, and I’m not having to cram in everything else trying to run for president.

I’m going to say this as someone who despises libertarianism and Gary Johnson alongside it.

Anyone who thinks your bodily positioning during the anthem has anything to do with your support for troops - when these goddamn RWNJs use our troops as ill-equipped cannon fodder for our billion-dollar plane factories - is a fuckwit and can gladly go cram it it every single orifice.

+1 tipped white fedora

I would posit that there was no question asked - since Whitlock’s “question” came first and was followed by a paragraph of bullshit, one could assume that the “question” was rhetorical. Thus the reporter was free to ask an actual question.

It’s ok. You can have the last word. It’s fine.


Jesus christ.

Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, it’s someone who works in, studies, and understands public relations and getting your message across, speaking from a place of knowledge. JUST MAYBE it’s someone who wants to see that message get out and communicated effectively rather than wasted and lost in this bullshit.

Last I checked, you don’t know any of our racial identities, nor do we know yours. So it seems to me that “whitesplaining” is simply your term for “people who don’t agree with my incredibly narrow and incredibly aggressive rhetoric”.

What I’m saying is that I personally don’t care about any of this. I care about the systemic racism, the violence, the militarization of our police. The flag is a peace of cloth to me, the anthem is a song. I care about the fact that we said “all men are created equal” and spent our whole history failing those words.

Fair enough, but it doesn’t change the outcome. The dialogue is on the anthem and flag, not on systemic racism. Perhaps there’s no way to fully eliminate that, because the racists will always focus on the speaker over the subject, but it can be minimized to an extent.

That’s not what I’m saying, but that’s what you want to see. You be you.

I think it would have been better to come out in front, educating people on the racist origins of the anthem and explaining why he was going to sit for the anthem before actually doing it. There might have been some accusations of attention-seeking from that, but those cries are there now anyways so it’s not like it’s

Fine. Throw your damn tantrums then. Be right in your book, and see how well that gets you listened to.

That’s not what he said though. He said it’s not “above”the racists. It’s like the difference between wallowing in mud and wallowing in shit. Sure, one’s going to stink a lot worse than the other but unless you’re right there smelling them all you’ll see is two people covered in filth.