
I actually saw that movie a few weeks ago after many years and thought two things. With the success of John Wick and the great buzz for the upcoming Logan (now a huge hit), plus on the female side, Charlize's Atomic Blond, I think we are coming into a retro R rated retro action movie reprise and I think that is a

Billy Blanks greatest role, and maybe only! Also, Shane Black rules, next rockin into the 21st cent with the Predator reboot which I am a little concerned about because of the young cast!

Oh yeah I remember that show! But check out The Nice Guys if you haven't seen it, has a similar comedic vibe!

Sorry Matthew but I just could not get into those movies so I didnt watch the tv show! As far as the Lethal Weapon tv show goes my heart kinda sank when I saw they handed it to over to McG (although I like Chuck and thought Fast lane as well as criminally underrated Human Target) but it was cool that Shane Black co

Hell Yes! Saw that movie in the theatres twice! Another underappreciated Shane Black classic like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang! Black returning to Predator, best thing!

Uh, did you mean The Nice Guys, nice plug though? But you might be able to hold your breath the movie is gaining a second life/cult following from On Demand and maybe we can get a Netflix mini series or sequel with cursing, boobies and the whole nine in the near future! But Gosling's daughter has got to come back

Oh please with that bull dude! People say stupid shit they don't mean, especiallyl when their drunk and going through Bad times! It's time to forgive Gibson, who fleshed out an incredible character in Martin Riggs! As a matter of fact one of the best film characters of all time and he is also a terrific filmmaker! I'm

I'm sorry, was anything having to do with Rush Hour ever "fairly entertaining"?

Freakin hilarious!

Tell you all what 'hatas', when the show comes back a year from now you can watch dogshit like The 87th Season of the Bachelor and I'll watch, the still enormously more thought prevoking and intelligent 11th X Files season! God I wish it was still the nineties some times!

What do any of these comments have to do with the show possibly coming back? #Stopunrelatedcomments