Mark Shore

In my 15 or so years as a professional scientist, I’ve found that older (male) physicists tend to be the least accepting of new theories and most likely to comment on the work of others well outside of their training and expertise. Fortunetly, the current crop of physics folks aren’t so afflicted.

We are also in a Tyrannosaurus famine right now. Doesn’t mean I want a ton of those hanging out around in my front yard.

Uhg, this guy should be nowhere near policy. I’ve been trolling host stupid Facebook page on climate change denial. The enthusiastic commenters on there are awful. Besides Happer, Art Robinson is also being considered. Another insane climate denier that thinks nuclear waste is fine and does science experiments with

I was just reading this and thinking how much this guy reminds me of my now dead grandfather. Absolute genius nuclear physicist engineer back when that was hot shit, major player in cleanups, major player in the legit research into cold fusion with the likes of Teller (obvi it didn’t work, also Teller was bonkers

I wish more botanists would shout from the roof tops that more CO2 is not actually good for plants. It’s analogous to humans eating nothing but french fries. Not only do plants need water as mentioned in the article they also need fixed nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, etc. which are all found in the soil and are subject

Oh. My. God.