
Completely with you on Elizabeth having a riveting storyline. Keri Russell is killing it.

Mindy Kaling landed such a treasure with Chris Messina, who lends such a necessary sense of realism to the crazy antics on the show. The episode was perfect, and that ending with the rom-com music and Danny catching sight of Mindy's legs sticking out from behind the post (and her panting) cracked me up just as much as

Louis CK deserves an Emmy for just those last seconds of "Model," which are so beautiful and funny and sweet - and also, of course, sad. He's really become just a strong of an actor as he is a comedian.

Only thing missing was a shot of Peter Gregory doing Pilates. Another great episode.
"Make a gesture if you can hear me!"

Favorite: Peter Gregory being carried out to the toga party.
Second favorite: "I'm gonna stay out here because I look absurd."

I agree that Matthew Rhys was fabulous in this episode. The two of them are always great, but this particular episode was a great showcase for how he can show deception all over his face while too revealing almost exactly what he's feeling. Can I say that I'm really starting to like Martha? She's so different from

This was a hilarious episode, the best yet. "Snack dick" was genius, and Erlich never fails to make me laugh. This is my favorite comedy now that Broad City ended.

I'm guessing it's the Tyrells. Between the grandmother's suspicious looks and words of portent and Margaery so merrily feeding Joffrey, they must have had some part in it. Or maybe not.

this is a great group of guys - all super funny.
there were some nice lines, but the details of the set/wardrobe stood out, too. like:
i know h.t.m.l. (how to meet ladies)

thank you! this is what i've thought of the show since the first season. i still enjoy it and think some sequences and episodes are better than most other series on TV (even if they're praised as i more prestigious by simple-minded criticism). rick's arcs have often been the weakest, even though i really like

The Simpsons is the most iconic. But the current one that is better than the show itself and that I always watch because I love the way the show's cold open overlaps with its beginning music, is The Walking Dead.

Best episode in a long time. Nicely shot, tense, foreboding, and surprising. I was invested the whole time, and I love Carol (the fact that I can say that now after season one shows a great deal of improvement in the series).

The beets sketch had me laughing so hard. It brought me back to the beets crisis of 1997, when my sister freaked us all out - and it was just beets.
Also, Steve Buscemi is just so great at everything. Love him.

"Crazy Pussy," as Rust puts it. I hate that trope in TV and movies.

Did anyone else think that Paige's new friend is a KGB plant? At the start of the episode, Philip tells Elizabeth that the Center has sent someone to watch their kids but they wouldn't know who. It's certainly a way to keep a close eye on the kids, but ultimately dangerous for Philip and Elizabeth if the Center knows

Abed and Shirley made me laugh so hard. And you're right about the scene of Annie and Abed playing Vince Gilligan's amazing game - it was so out there and yet completely committed to its own insane world. Shirley was sharp from the very beginning, with the look she gave at the dean's rap (which was also a gem). Maybe

The conversations between Lincoln and Kevin cracked me up the most.
And - Ilana is a great dancer, even better in the back of a moving truck.

The writing and acting are so good, I am completely invested in Patrick's relationship to not just one but two men. The three of them are fantastic…. And of course this is visual story-telling, and the light is beautifully manipulated to accentuate what's happening between these (often silent) people. Even though it

Rust's out-of-coma middle finger was perfect. These two are my favorite TV pair of the year. Thanks for all the great little dialogue, TD.

love the main story, between adam and hannah. lena dunham's performance was great, one of the funniest things i have seen on TV (other than what the girls are doing over at Broad City). adam driver was equally as fantastic, playing the two sides of his character's experience - wanting to make hannah happy but