
ranty? at least it wasn't a screed.

Some truths.
Freedom is not free. Free men are not equal. Equal men are not free.
Unregulated markets will inevitably lead to the selling of human flesh (alive and otherwise).
The end of capitalism is nigh (Cheap energy, AI and robotics end the need to raise great sums of "capital")
The first generation earns it. The

a mess.. Flynn, Sean, Bannon in, Bannon out. Family pushing Trump left, changing Trump mind on an hourly basis w/o telling staff, Comey, tweets like a fool.

Or any of the Establishment politicians be they named Bush, Romney, Clinton, Pocahontas or Biden. These people do not have your best interests at heart.

Trump's administration is a mess but his policy decisions have generally been right on the money.

FUBAR is the operative phrase. Globalism will eat our liberty for lunch.

I honest person is worth 10 members of the ruling Establishment, be they named Bush, Romney, Clinton, Pocahontas or Biden

You're asking me to believe the the Ruling Oligarchy is "protecting" us from "International corporations"? LOLOL

Trump's trolling of the ruling oligarchy has been a joy to watch.

The last thing America needs is an effective and efficient national government. Liberty is already in enough peril, one. And two, the several States are perfectly capable of governing their selves.

At this point I'd settle for an honest man (left, right or indifferent) committed to protecting and nurturing small government democracy (republic).

Well, is he a hippie or will he slap the progressive ruling oligarchy around all higgly-piggly?

Now he doesn't even have a book.

But they paved Milo'l Meadow.