
So all the male reviewers voted for male protagonists and the female reviewers voted for female protagonists. Noted.

This is such a curious little show that is far better than it has the right to be given this is well-trod narrative territory and the budget is clearly miniscule. But it just goes to show you what happens with strong writing and spot-on perfect casting.

And as Caucasian humans age, using dark dye to cover the gray hair only highlights the aging appearance for lighter skin, male or female, hence why women frequently go "blonde" as they grow older. Men go bald.

Heigl's show will be canceled after one season, if it makes it that far. Meanwhile, someone will grab Shahi in a hot second now that everyone knows she's available. Meanwhile, I miss Shaw from POI.

Carol - the crucial and devastating micro-expressions are too easily lost on smaller screens but in 16mm up on the big screen it was like someone reached into my chest and ripped my heart out. In a good way.

Until the networks find a different way to collect revenue other than ads - ala Netflix - then online piracy will have a debilitating effect on shows, particularly those already on the margin like "Hannibal."

I saw incredible longing and passion, then again I'm a lesbian and I'm accustomed to having to read between the lines in a way hetero viewers rarely have to.

It was the best reviewed movie of the year - empirically speaking, via statistics - and yet it wasn't nominated for Best Picture. It's also a movie about women who aren't interested in men and pursue each other, quite nicely I might add. Old, white, male Academy voters aren't exactly the demographic that's going to

i read one review that said the entire backstory for his character was contained in the thump of his name.

Darth Cold.

Cosima looks like she's doing juuuuust fine getting past the break-up.

She's not "messing with Cosima's heart" - she's in a precarious position as the only person within Dyad who can protect the Leda clones, which would make a relationship with one of the clones highly suspect and could put her access to info in danger. If she's going to protect them she has to maintain the pretense of

You've missed some exceptional television whilst you were away.

According to Wikipedia, her mother's a German translator so I imagine she's been immersed in it since childhood. Another reason to lament the all-too quick passing of Katja O.