
@ossuary: I removed that "feature" on my mower. I just have to keep reminding myself not to fall off the back of the mower and keep the seat sensor depressed while i'm mowing backwards.

@BroScience: It's not hard to sharpen a blade. If you have a socket wrench or adjustable wrench to get it on/off, a mounted vice to hold the blade, and an angle grinder to sharpen it, the whole process should only take you around 10 minutes. I sharpen my blades a couple times a season, but I have a small yard with no

@mrh829: Agreed. It's not that difficult. If you have to yank it a bunch of times to get it started, sure, it can be a pain. But that's really just an indicator that you need to have your mower/trimmer/whatever serviced since a good and well maintained device should start on the first or second pull.

Beautiful! It looks much better in the dark though since the structure of the desk isn't much to look at. Very cool though.

@aarontn: FIFO-based dressing. I like it. :)

This is a neat idea. I am very guilty of hanging on to too many clothes that I don't wear.

I've just been reminded of my place in society. Very beautiful and awesomely fun car!

My stock tires were toast after 2 years. Granted, I drove 45K miles in those two years... And new tires cost me $600 for a good set. Horray 17" low profile tires.

@Cloud_Hiro: "Blizzard likes to give you a extremely good game while giving you requirements that are practicly minimal for the time."

My how far we've come. This is a far cry from the starcraft of old. The game looks amazing. I will most likely buy it when it comes out. Thank you Blizzard!

@mrjoeyyaya: Now that's badass. Not to mention very well done.

Man, why can't hot chicks be into this stuff in America...

@GBMax: Terrorizing, of course. :) I always carry a pocket knife but forgot to put it in my checked luggage before I checked it.

@TheFu: It was a special knife, I actually bought it in Switzerland. I mailed it back at one of the "convenient" mailing stations near the security checkpoints for a measly $17 for shipping from New York to Indiana.

I used to have a swiss army knife with a little slide out pen. Though this is a much better idea for when you need a pen at the bank or airport... :)

@Frizkie: It closes the tabs, so yes. So when you're watching video reviews for that, ahem, special birthday present you're thinking about buying, it will be instantly stopped. :)