
Also in the news, "middle school math skills allow superhero diner to split bill with his friends"

While he is technically wrong, he does have a point. The pops they made were 2.5 ounces. The mixture contains 7 "parts" meaning that the 1 part absinthe is 0.36 ounces per pop. A shot is 1.5 ounces, so each pop contains 0.24 shots. You'll get major brain freeze before you ever get a buzz.

@winstonsicle: Are we talking about hooking or hocking? :)

Dang. I know what I'm doing with my next $15,000!

@nosebleed: I'm kind of surprised that commenting is enabled on this article at all. If it were me, I would have disabled it; People don't need to discuss someone's memorial in this forum, much less the merits or shortcomings of suicide.

Epic plan, but also epic failure. The best plans of mice and mullets...

@WJNiles: Nice. I wish I had a private plane!

@brijazz: So when kids are playing games like boys do and punching each other in the arm, they're all going on violent rampages?

Wasn't he just being a vigilant flyer looking out for terrorists? We all know that phones that aren't completely turned off will crash the plane...

@Ronaldo: Amen. There's too many cyclists that act so elitist and complain about how automobile drivers don't respect them and then they run through stoplights/signs without stopping, ride around stopped traffic instead of waiting their turn (when no bike lane exists), riding 2 or 3 abreast down a road, and generally

I got tickets to see it at 8 pm est THURSDAY this past week! Huzzah for snatching pre-screen tickets!

I almost want to do this. The only reason I'm not is that I don't want to become the subject of a TSA cavity search for intentionally concealing parts of my body from the scanner... I would love to make a statement about this, but not at the cost of being detained/stripsearched/missing my flight.

@CoHPhasor: Haha. That should tell them they have something special. They could start a whole "Green Christmas" thing selling solar systems for your lights.

@Frank Mahnke: My suggestion is that they donate the money to charity where it can be used to help people. That's pretty much the opposite of being a scrooge. I would much rather see 800 kids get a $100 present for Christmas, or 80 kids having a blowout Christmas with $1000 each, than have a light show. While a light

@Flaeor: I think a simple display of an anti-matter annihilation generator with clear windows would be even better than Christmas lights! :)

@tdvx: Even at the conservative estimate of $10K, or half that, it's still pretty extravagant. However, I agree that an article based on Journalism as opposed to pure speculation would be more interesting.

@CoHPhasor: 100% solar powered? You should interview them and write an article on that. I find that much more interesting than a story about someone who throws away $10K-$80K per month.

Maybe they should donate that much money to charity each winter instead of wasting it on lights... Sure, it looks "pretty", but there are much better uses for $80K and they could get by with a much less extravagant display of holiday spirit.