There's no logic there, just dumb old fashioned tribalism.
Trump only chimed in because they literally share the same hair.
I'm sure she fell for plenty of his fine qualities:
No way, dat mistress knows wut shes a talkin! I know when I done gots me a white woman, I wus like OOOO EEEEE, papa gonna dance de Charleston an den show Trevor dat I gots me one o his white women sos I can dom-in-ate dem cuz dats what all men be like!
No no no, racism doesn't exist. He only criticized her for taking pictures with black people, and has a history of discriminating against non-white renters of his property, a practice that has nothing to do with his mistress. But please, that's all about sexism, somehow—oh, and all men do it too.
No, you're just trolling. No reasonable person would ever suggest murder could be an appropriate response to humiliation.
Debbie downer? That's not even close to the term. You're trying to find a way to excuse murder. That's just…sick.
Perhaps in your experience. Which is valid. But my experience has been quite the opposite, and the social expectation is that men do the pursuing and women the rejecting.
Yeah, some people have gone so far as to argue this is normal behavior. Murder, especially over something so trivial, is not normal, it is sociopathic.
Gender essentialism is wrong, unless you're accusing sociopathic violence as being a "normal" male trait.
Women don't make logical arguments.
So women have no right to get offended by statements like "women are gold diggers" "women are bad at math and science" "women are liars"? Because, not all women, amirite?
The people who say that this is a trait inherent to men, testosterone, etc. A view expressed by quite a few in this forum.
Yep. I thought gender essentialism was a bad thing. Apparently condemning gender essentialism is wrong too if you're saying horrific and violent behavior is not and should not be seen as a trait endemic to one gender.
Yeah, she's conflating outspoken, which may mean actively engaging in class but not in an orderly fashion like raising your hand first, with rambunctiousness, which is more disruptive behavior that is certainly not rewarded.
"siphon messages with text-speak." Damn, well then I wouldn't have received any responses!
One of the things that annoyed me the most. People take the time to fill out profiles, but never read the other person's. If I'm going to put in effort to come up with something to say responding to things on your profile, some degree of reciprocation would be nice!
Yeah, it's kind of the worst. Hordes upon hordes of skeevy guys on one side, and completely vapid, self-absorbed, game-playing women on the other.