I'm thinking they considered it, and then couldn't find anyone to volunteer a definition.
I'm thinking they considered it, and then couldn't find anyone to volunteer a definition.
…and on this farm there was a cunt, ee-ii-ee-ii-ooo
I've never heard butt-chugging before I hope I never do again.
No different than calling someone a dick, or dickish. Used in such a way, dick knows no gender—it's taken on a new meaning quite apart from its anatomical description.
Okay, douchecunt seems oddly appropriate.
Seems to depend on just how's it's used. A woman shouldn't feel any obligation to avoid saying "I am pregnant." At the same time, I can only see genuine inclusiveness in such a major life event as a good thing—it's indicative of a partnership that's best for all involved. I think those who reject such inclusiveness…
I'm just denying that 90% of this stuff is real and assume it's a lot of people playing the most epic game of porn Mad Libs ever.
This is certainly true, and it can be great to hear people's stories about why they came here to do what they do. Unfortunately though, this city often has an inflationary effect on egos, or draws people with inflated egos to begin with.
"I can only imagine that DC bars are a special kind of hell."
I'm wondering how he thought bragging that he's a lobbyist would get him anywhere…it's DC, that's probably half the guys at the bar!
I'd say just put your actual height. If a woman assumes you're lying and doesn't want to date you because she thinks you're too short = bullet dodged.
So far I believe you're the closest.
What amazes me is the ludicrous notion that Snowden, or Manning for that matter, can be considered whistleblowers.
I find it hard to call Manning a traitor because, although he did serious harm, sharing tens of thousands of documents and undermined the discussions we've had with other countries in confidence, I'm not sure he really realized the extent of what he did and clearly had serious personal issues.
It seems perfectly reasonable to me to call out all forms of negative behavior, and doing so regarding one kind of bad behavior (broad generalizations) in no way undermines or invalidates calling out even worse behavior (depraved internet stalking).
And yet JP Morgan Chase would still buy it out.