Isolationist? That word makes no sense in this context.
Isolationist? That word makes no sense in this context.
In fact, he has the etire rest of the internet for that.
But are you trying to actually connect with her experience or are you just trying to prove your point? I put my money on the latter.
If you really wanted to connect with her experience, you’d listen more and comment less. That’s what a lot of us men need to do. Shut the hell up for a few minutes, listen, and let…
We’re not centering other races in this discussion. It’s about Black men and our inability to treat Black women as our equals. If you wanna start a discussion about other races, go for it. Just not here. It’s not the time or place.
I think he’s speaking on black men because
Not too bright, huh?
Wait, wait, wait: If you don’t like feminism, surely you have no problem with womanism...
True, because the criticisms of things that a group does means you are anti-that group.
I’m going to be honest, but that sounds very similar to the argument all lives matter folks keep using to which black lives matter folks have to continually respond that it doesn’t take away for you and to recognize a problem that affects others. It’s not a zero-sum game. I don’t if that’s hiw you meant it, but that’s…
I am sorry for what has happened to you. All black men did not do that to you. White women want to convince you otherwise with nonsense, stop falling for it
Wonder why concerns about black women are automatically anti-black male. This comment pretty much is EXACTLY the point he’s making. Wow.
I’m betting you are not a Black woman. So you don’t know (and I’m guessing, don’t really care) what our reality is.
What is that rule? The one that says that any comment section in an article on feminism is proof that feminism is still needed?
Black women are always at the forefront of everything Black and take all of the beatings and then have to come to their homes and worry about Black men harming them as well. It’s a damn shame and us Black men can’t help elevate the Black community without elevating Black women and LGBT people.
Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.
Like old Toohotformilk there, I’ve also lived through plenty of hurricanes. When you’ve been through enough, you stop worrying about them and you don’t prepare like it’s your first time - you get some water and plywood the windows and hunker down. My dad, who’s in his 70's and has ridden out every hurricane that’s…
I going to guess that you rooted for Javert?
He’s just going to jump off a bridge one day, anyway.
Question: what is wrong with you? Followup question: what is wrong with you?
You must have large, muscular forearms, what from pulling up so hard on those bootstraps of yours.