
This whole “you can’t wreck a home that’s not broken” trope is bullshit. If he was married he was married. And if you meet a man and you know he’s married and still decide to date him you accept everything that comes with it. Especially if you know there were other women. Eniko, you aren’t special. “You ain’t special.

He didn’t respond to those pics of him in the car with another woman right? Just kind of laughed it off if I remember (?)

She’s feeling defensive about her marriage because it’s obvious Kevin was doing some shady shit.

She isn’t mad about Kevin, he is the subject but not the issue. Torrei was very clear about why she was upset here. Eniko dragged Torrei into a very public attempt to defend herself, when she could’ve found a way not to bring her up, or just not responded at all. She doesn’t owe anyone on Instagram of all places an


Kevin had better stop that bed-hopping or he will end up like Usher—-a herpes man.

If you can’t prove your point without bringing in an unbothered third party, then something’s up. She played herself by opening herself up to more scrutiny and questions. Eniko just needs to sit in her and Kevin’s fourth home, gestate, and be off the internet.

i knew i’d find you here. omg. i’m so glad we can talk about this. this came up on my IG page and i forgot to tell you. why is eniko actig like this? girl.......those cheating allegations are true. she is clinging to their lies so desperately to maintain face. and dragging torrei for no reason. well. attempting to.

Recent pics of Kevin in a car with a different woman suggest that he has not changed.

He’s reportedly already cheating on Eniko, so there’s that...

Ok, not a home wrecker, how about a Tramp? You were screwing a married man.

It makes no sense to me how some women can be so oblivious. Money makes it even worse.

The next kid exchange/pick-up/drop off will be awkward af.

This: Singled me out as the mistress because we stuck…Knowing damn well there were other women during their marriage has me questioning so many things. Main thing I’m wondering is: is she worried about him playing around on her? Or is she content because she “won”?

She legit thinks she’s the exception!

Right? Like, does she hear herself or is she really so delusional that she thinks she’s an exception to the rule?


Oh, girl. Eniko.

The truth is none of this fit for mental consumption.

Eniko. Girl. “Knowing damn well there were other women during their marriage” is like, maybe something you don’t want to be gloating about in your IG post about your marriage to this man.