Really interesting article! I’m glad I found it.
Really interesting article! I’m glad I found it.
It wasn’t pedophilia because pedophiles are only attracted to children who have not reached puberty. You were considered sexually “available” when you reached puberty. There was no logic in marrying a girl that had not reached puberty in Europe, so children weren’t. Not only that, but there wasn’t a concept of…
This fandom needs to get over itself and I wave between hating Rick and loving him. I love Rick because he is written so well as a guy who seems to have a comeback to everything and is rarely ever caught off-guard. I love characters that are bitter and misanthropic but still find moments to enjoy being with people. I…
Christ, it’s just a show. I love the show but come on people.
PewDiePie is not in his 40s, where the fuck did you get that number.
Fuck, and just when the Fiverr thing died down. PewDiePie brings me great joy. I love watching him. I hate it when my favorite people do careless stupid things like this. The N-word should not be said by anyone, not even black people (nigga is permissible, I guess), because it’s such a hate filled word with a sordid…
This story is now a new litmus test for me. If I show someone this story and they don’t understand what the problem is, they’re automatically someone I don’t want to associate with.
If I was that woman I would have just stared at him like he was insane. I wouldn’t have said anything because, fuck, I’m afraid of getting shot and chewing out a cop for making a joke like that would probably land me in jail for being combative or some shit.
To be honest, I think that those high-end colleges are overrated. If someone says they graduated from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, whatever the hell, I just raise an eyebrow and go “interesting”. There is that built-in impression that “wow, they must be smart” but let’s be real, it’s likely they only got in because of…
There are plenty of animals that were all fine and good until something just wiped them all out, or people decided to hunt them to the point of extinction, made a real effort in killing them faster than they could reproduce no matter how strong, fast, or smart they were. If the animals were strong, fast, and smart,…