
Lots of Buick/GMC dealerships. Which is a “functional” differentiation in as much as that functions as an alternative distribution channel (and keeps GM from having to muddy the waters by having all those Buick shops also having to carry Chevy trucks, but then not carry the rest of the Chevy lineup). Ah, the beauty of

“Unfortunately since the original editor (Tyler Rogoway) left F/A to create The War Zone @ The Drive quality content here has dropped considerably.”

You are well into tin foil hat territory. Reagan wasn’t mentally incapacitated when he was elected. George Bush was an excellent President by most metrics. Quayle never ran for President. Bush lost to Clinton, Clinton was challenge by Dole in the 2nd election. Then Bush again and McCain still seems alive, healthy, and

My understanding is that the Jalop editors can choose to publish sub-Kinja articles to the front if they so desire. I love when the FA articles pop up, they’re always well written, informative, and interesting.

Because at this rate, we’ll all be driving Ladas sooner than later?

“And the party of Bush2 is the dumbest collection of greedy PAC-money gobbling asswipes on the planet.”

one time on the highway coming come I realized that the pressure was way too much and I did not have that long torx needed to adjust it. my only solution was to take a pair of pliers and loosen the fuel inlet hose and have fuel drip down on the road which helped relieve the extra pressure.

CIS is a nightmare but it was worth learning at the time. As teenagers, my friends and I collected every bit of Audi literature we could get our hands on. Manuals, bulletins, and Audi self study guides for technicians. We learned how to service these cars to keep them going. Countless hours were spent scouring eBay,

Adjusting the control frequency of differential pressure regulators is not for the faint of heart. The struggle for lambda was real.

You know what, I probably deserve that seeing as my comments in the past have probably been disrespectful to you. We, clearly, have different views on the world and the only thing we probably would agree on is that the other one is wrong. But, maybe, we can agree that the disparity has only increased over time

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Your condescending remarks and consistent whining that not everybody agrees with you is ridiculous.

It’s parked in his fucking driveway. He’s not parking it on the street, he’s not parking it in THEIR driveway, so what’s the fucking problem?

But why though? How does adding onto one’s house make one an asshole? You sound like a bigger prick than this guy’s neighbors...

I’m actually on my 2nd house, thanks.

I own two houses (neither in an HOA), and I understand that what my neighbors do within the law on their land is their business.