
Ah, the appointed lackey was a “democrat” we found our scapegoat! This was not an unforeseen problem, professionals in the business know about is and treat the water to prevent it. Apparently the Snyder directive to save money precluded following professional advice when it would cost an extra few hundred dollars.

Makes me guess Fox news is blaming her...

Actually linked to leaded gas... The reason it started declining in the 90's is because they ended lead in gas in the 70's, it takes a generation before the effects of lead dissipate. Lead in old houses can still have an impact, like so many things it disproportionately affects the poor.

Just for fun, here’s a story on how it should be done (no motorcycle involved but..) Southern Utah, I’m driving on a curvy 2 Lane, 50-60 mph when a BMW z3 passes me AND another car approaching a hill summit... I laughed at what a dumbass move it was and gladly made way for the cop suv that followed a few seconds

Ha...starting to get why you have that name :/