
You need to fuck off. Its obvious you’ve never met a trans kid.

Okay, wow, where to begin. Your first paragraph made sense, but then you took a left turn into WTF?

I feel bad for Tilda. She did an amazing job in the role as she is a great actor, but at the end of the day the producers did whitewash the role for a horrible reason. Ugh.

Then we don’t need movies about Helen Keller, Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, Marie Stopes, Woodrow Wilson, Clarence Darrow, etc.

SMH at all the whiners going on about eugenics/racism/whatnot. All while failing to take into context that in its day, eugenics was seen as cutting edge science. Its easy to judge with 21st century goggles, isn’t it? I wonder if they yell so loudly about Theodore Roosevelt, Marie Stopes, Winston Churchill, W.E.B

Troll harder. Yawn.

>an outspoken eugenicist

Ugh no. Her over-wide smile freaks me out.

Imagine being told you can’t praise MLK because he had homophobic views. What a trip that would be.

That was an incredibly common belief at the time. Its easy to judge in today’s goggles.

>I know that Sanger would’ve hated my minority self reproducing

And this, ladies and gents, is the reason Trump won the election. Petty bullshit divisions like yours.


There’s already been a bio movie made about her, I saw it, it was pretty good:

Except he went back to the car more than once...


Its been less than a week. Give yourself time.