Aussie Doug

The major difference is that in the ‘70s, Japan was a former geopolitical adversary, that plenty of peeps were wary of due to WWII, whereas China is very much a current geopolitical adversary of not just the US, but most of the Western world. China doesn’t just want to compete; it wants to overwhelmingly dominate.

That’s an insult to the Chrysler 200. For a completely forgettable looking car, I like the look of the 200. Its proportions are correct, unlike the Tesla proportions on the 3, X, and Y. 

Design heavily influenced by Hyundai it seems. Boring design.

Is there anything positive to be said about Adolph Musk?

I think it’s just that there’s nothing positive to say about him.

The looks aren't the reason you should be embarrassed driving this ...

Looks like shit and driven by idiots that if they didn’t have a decent credit score would be in a Nissan.

Good. You’re acting precisely as expected. Another 50 cent army guy trying to convince us china isn’t the shithole we already know it is with regard to how its people are treated. Go tell your boss you aren’t very good at your job.

How do such tiny slits for headlights produce sufficient up and down lighting for the road?  Seems almost too narrow to produce a decent field of lighted vision....

Bland, generic looking crossover EV looks blander and more generic than ever.  Big surprise here.

Oh boy. Its..... 50 cent army time! So pray tell me, what do you think about the Tiananmen square massacre? Or- what about the approximately 2.5 million ethnic Uighur Muslims currently being held in prison camps, farms, or in as mentioned- being used for slave labor in autoparts factories? Let’s hear your copied and

The difference here is that Max’s victim was willing to take Crashstappen with him. And the consequence was a middling finish.

I realize inserting nationalism into a story about car performance can often be viewed as unwelcome or even deemed irrelevant. Having shared that, it is really too much to ask that American consumers make an honest attempt to buy American? While I think Elon Musk is a world class douche nozzle, and I would never

But how does it all come together and does it come together in a way that will suit the NA car market which has significantly different demands from their domestic market. From my research and a week spent in a Geely Akzarra CUV rental, Chinese drivers spend significantly more time in their cars not driving, and using

All well and good until the Chinese government decides you can no longer drive your car or just takes control of it. Like signaling the battery to overheat so that it becomes a fire bomb. Yep. I want the Chinese government to have total access to my car and know exactly where I live, work and go as well as everything

It’s not just divebombs for passing that he’s prone to doing. It’s defending from the inside, taking a tight entry and then opening the steering wheel on exit leaving his competitor no room. This is why he has so many “crash or yield” scenarios when he isn’t the fastest on track and able to walk away from the field.

Video games don’t change personality, they reveal it.

Yeah.... but there’s the whole you know.... slave labor being used in China to make things like car parts or entire cars. Or more recently, when officials in Brazil literally stepped in and saved a bunch of Chinese workers being used to build a BYD factory there. I don’t like Tesla or Elon. That’s why I bought a EV

would be a shame if Tesla we’re a company, a collection of workers and engineers with a vision, and not just the Equity ambitions of an autistic South African Oligarch.  

Tesla are a dead company walking. They ever make money on that German factory I’ll eat my hat. Here where I live in CA I see far far fewer than I used to. And the MAGA audience is not making up the numbers.
Would buy a BYD Seagull (drove one in the UK) tomorrow.