
Food Wars! It’s goofy, but really entertaining, with some just absolute food porn.

I learned about this knife from anime

I’ve used CreditKarma’s free service the past couple of years and it’s completely painless.

I’m a small-L libertarian and I enjoy Star Trek and lots of other fictional fantasy worlds. I would love to live in a magical galaxy with no scarcity and trustworthy leaders that don’t inevitably become fascists.

I wouldn’t mind a videogame that encourages you to shoot for center mass, like in real life. Most games seem to want you to go for the harder headshots since enemies take negligible damage from bullets to the chest.

Probably more like Borderlands?

The one nearest me still has a sizable dining room. I’ve been in a few times to pickup carryout orders and nobody’s ever in there. I believe this one used to have a buffet, but now they don’t even have a salad bar.

There’s a sweet spot right around the $80-$120/night range where you get the complementary hot breakfast buffet. Lower than that is the individually wrapped muffins and fruit, above that is room service, in-hotel restaurants and buffets that cost $30/person.

Calm down Alex Jones.

My high school cafeteria had a wrapped ice cream cone, I think it was made by Blue Bell. Chocolate ice cream, chocolate cone, chocolate shell with rice crispies and a big ol hunk of chocolate at the bottom of the cone. It was delicious and I’ve never seen it since. Wish I could find one.

Okay well TX is accurate.

He’s got a good chin, and that Cheers era hairpiece fit like a finely tailored suit.

Now playing

Same good energy as this video of the late John Dunsworth

Eh, Steel Magnolias is like 70% comedy. It’s a really funny movie up until Julia Roberts dies. Shirley MacLaine is a riot.

Is Steve Guttenberg “extremely handsome”? Granted, I’m a straight man but I can easily see the appeal of Selleck and Danson, but Guttenberg’s just kind of a guy.

The part where whatshername is moaning during sex and Hoffman imitates it is pretty funny.

Yeah, they had a toggle. the Simpsons World interface was dogshit though.

Apparently mice have gotten crazy in the building I work in because there’s only a handful of people there every day.

I feel like boating is a decently safe socially distant activity, assuming only your family comes along.