Two words - Space Mutiny
Two words - Space Mutiny
To be fair, if she dies in this Midgar-only episode of the remake that’ll be a pretty big-ass spoiler.
You know it has new content right?
Meanwhile, I got another email from Amazon this morning saying that mine might be late. Cool.
American’s got its advantages. It’s still one of the best cheeses for a burger, and one of my lifehacks is to toss a Kraft single into the pot of Kraft mac & cheese. Makes it about 400% better.
You’ve gotta soak that grit pot.
No joke on the Marauder. I had to drop my difficulty down to Easy to beat the first one, or I was going to uninstall the game from frustration. I probably tried him 20 times on Hurt Me Plenty.
Well, what they tweeted was that the *release date* hadn’t changed. Which is true. But that’s not the same as the Shipping Date. My friend in the videogames industry said it’s likely Square Enix requested they make that correction.
I guess it depends on the AV Club or GMG style guide, if there is one, but I know I’ve seen “sic” used to denote unusual vernacular, even if there’s not technically an error.
“sic” doesn’t mean there’s an error necessarily, it just means “this is literally what the person or thing says”.
Well, nah. “Bits” are Twitch currency, like tokens sorta, with a set value. They’re good because unlike say a Paypal donation they can’t be taken back after given to a streamer. So like...he’s asking for bits...in exchange for clits and tits? I have no idea.
Run it through this a couple times for authenticity - http://needsmorejpeg.com/
FFXIV. Gonna try to finally get into some of that ocean fishing. Also picking up Granblue Fantasy Vs next week.
Oh yeah, and it was only available for a few months right? I can’t remember when Vanilla Naxx was made unavailable. I guess it wasn’t until WotLK came out.
I seem to recall ME1 kind of presented the choice in such a way that saving the council’s ship somehow risked not defeating Sovereign. Obviously, after you play through you see that you defeat him no matter what, but for a first playthrough it fits the “do whatever is necessary” attitude of Renegade.
Eat ‘em with saltines. And mustard, if you want.
Smoked oysters. One of my favorite drunk foods. They smell just awful but taste amazing.
Oh sweet you can form your own cult.
So more of a Tony Robbins type.