
Coke Blak was good.

Yeah but that pan looks like enchiladas.

That second mug is like what somebody would have an Irish coffee in on The Enterprise.

Italian Enchiladas

I think it was killed by coming out right at the end of the PS3 life cycle.

At this point I feel like Minecraft has always been out.

Wildstar was super fun and more people should have played it.

Can’t wait for that series on Disney+.

I have the vapors and I may never recover.


Quick Google search shows the mail carriers make an average of 17 bucks an hour. Why would I tip them?

I never liked Laurie. She was always just a more nefarious Peter Gregory, with the same autism spectrum mannerisms.

$75 MILLION?! Who signed off on that?

I haven’t seen A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood yet. Mr. Rogers is a *supporting* role?

Same with Almost Famous back in 2000 or whenever. Funny bits, sure, but definitely not a “comedy”.

Don’t let these Chicago assholes tell you there’s something wrong with ketchup on hot dogs.

The imaginary banquet from Hook.

Okay I haven’t played the game (it’s on my Christmas wishlist) and didn’t read the article but is it one of those things where it’s not a spoiler if you don’t know the context? Like when the Ender’s Game movie trailer spoiled the ending, but only if you’ve read the book?

I kinda like that the boss fights are about strategy and character choice! Similarly I like the Gear fights in Xenogears where your level doesn't matter, and it's more strategic (and somewhat your equipment strength). 

Dream Theater's Scenes From A Memory. It's about reincarnation!