
“So you regret how you handled informing players about how the stat works?”

Dark Souls 4 is going to be launched with Latin as the only language option and the patch notes will be released encoded with a custom cipher.

Would you kindly update your system to windows 10?

I’m with you. Especially since I personally think it’s too soon for a “remaster”. Current gen graphics are great, but not mind blowing enough to remaster games from just 5-7 years ago.

Am I the only person who thinks remastered last gen games is a waste of time? I loved these games but I have zero interest in revisiting them with such minor changes.

A 7 year old using nothing but Notepad, a basic working knowledge of HTML, and an old copy of Netscape Navigator could do a better job at that than Nintendo.

And who wants to bet that Nintendo, in all their expansive wisdom of online presence and tact, will order to shut this fansite down immediately...

What you’re saying is: Fans do what Nintendon’t.

Okay. Will update from jail to get my next instruction.

pretty darn close

It looks exactly like the outfit that Tywin wore when he was Hand of the King.

Any time bad animation comes up I think of this little slice of fried gold.

Free to play games like Clash of Clans taken to their logical conclusion, this is amazing!

How are you ever going to expect real change to happen if you always keep voting for the lesser of two evils though? It comes to making a short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. If more people who wanted to vote their conscience instead of strategic voting did just that, things would actually start to change. I’m

After seeing The Witcher art work I so want a Witcher noir inspired story.

The wall of shame and regrets

That is not dead which can eternal lie,