
the most controversial plate of cold cuts... in the world.

If nothing else, a "sex for sunscreen" plot would have provided an awesome opportunity for a visual gag involving lotion-squirting.

Would have been funnier if there was no head or it was just a mask or something. :)

Any concrete examples of episodes he wrote you liked? Cause I don't know many I liked. And his movie work is horrible. Like, seeing his name on things turns me away kind of terrible. I was curious about Tomorrowland until I found out he was writing it. Now I just expect a meaningless mess with tons of questions and no

I routinely consume significant amounts of Taco Bell due to their extreme levels of preservatives. I presume that these preservatives will allow me to live until I'm about 1,000 or so.

Herbivores that eat brains? That's some food for thought.

You left out the most important part: How did it taste?

Well, at least with the cats, it's pretty much win-win: You either get a fixed cat, or you have dinner waiting when you get home.

You can only be so productive when you're talking about productivity on the internet.

That private island isn't going to pay for itself!

Jeremy Irons has described the movie's script as "amazing" and "a blockbuster written from the heart".

Who the fuck gives a shit?

I watched the first one when it came out and it was so absurdly awful that I never gave the sequels a chance.

My favorite gym pick-up line is when they ask to spot the sauna.

This has to bother GRRM, although he would never admit to it, because that would only invite further criticism that he brought it on himself. I cannot imagine an author of his skill, imagination and popularity is not bothered that the ending of his magnus opus will be told by someone else's vision, words and

Staged pranks are the best pranks.

The poor poor PA's that had to set up and clean that mess.

no, it was us remember? Somehow mankind survived into the future and created time travel so we could send the means of saving ourselves back in time so we could... Hey wait....

"What Abrams M-80 tank through yonder window breaks? 'Tis the east, and Juliet is its divisional commander in George Patton's Army of the Cumberland."

Now playing

I eagerly look forward to the inevitable announcement of Stephen King's The Shining reworked as a romantic comedy...