
The narrator dies halfway through.

I’m really starting to hate “humble bragging” (and its big brother, “virtue signalling”).

Still can’t believe so many people unironically made these types of fighting games in the 90s.

Came here with the sole intention of starring all the Giorgio posts.

There’s another owl line as well, along with about 700 different cat Pokemon, some of them fire typed.

It evolves into Brendan Fraser at level 36.

No, in 4th gen there were rumors the starters would be dark/psychic/fighting but that clearly would have been too much of an upheaval.

I personally am looking forward to the innovative new normal/flying bird and pure normal rodent Pokemon that appear on the first route of the game, as well as the bug/flying and bug/poison types that will appear on route 2.

Unless the kitty has the worst typing ever

Those literally look like Digimon.

The cat and the owl are nice, but that seal is an abomination.

Easy mode is using a straight sword.

Even though the Father of Lies was no longer with the company, it was a sound idea so have a star.

Meh. I never really liked Lionhead ever since buying into the Black and White hype only to end up with a buggy, poorly-balanced, 5-level pet simulator.

That was my thought too.


This should really be Someone’s Law.

Yeah it will probably be something like this in the end.

I would say to start with DS1 just because I think it’s the better game, but it probably doesn’t matter. Whichever one you try first you will probably prefer to the others, which is sort of what this article is about I guess.